‘Trinity’s Legacy’ has been dropped onto Amazon. Huge weight off my mind because I can now get back into writing the sequel! It’s about halfway through (45,000 words), and I’m quite happy with how it’s shaping up. The aim is to finish the first draft by September (actually not that far away!), then revise it for structure, grammar, content in a second draft before getting it independently reviewed and copy-edited. Hopefully it’ll be ready to drop just in time for Christmas. Already thinking about concepts for the cover art (in my head at least).
I’ll use this blog for updates, etc., to document how the writing is going. I’ve sketched out the whole trilogy, and the plan is to have the complete story available next year. In the sequel ‘Trinity’s Fall’ I’m taking Kate Morgan and Colleen Stillman into some very dark places, bringing in sci-fi concepts such as A.I., post-humans, pre-apocalyptic Earth, and of course, the return (did they ever go away) of the Vu-Hak.
I’m waiting to hear whether ‘Trinity’s Legacy’ has won the 2018 Cygnus Book awards for Science Fiction having been chosen as an official semi-finalist, but I’m not holding my breath! ‘I AM TRINITY’ has been entered into the Writers of the Future 2019 short story competition, and also submitted for the Nelligan Prize 2019. If anything comes of these I’ll be sure to shout about it here! Also I’ll be entering ‘Trinity’s Legacy’ into a couple of ‘first novel’ competitions over the next few months, and also thinking about other short story competitions. Keeping busy!